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Blog - Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens


0 Herbs for Healing session 22: Using roses in herbalism

  • by Fern Towers
  • 31-01-2024
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Hi all,

Our next session will be on Tuesday 6th February, from 10am-1pm, exploring roses in herbalism with Clare Lewis. We will look at how roses have been used through the ages, and how we can make some potions from them.

We will also do some pruning of roses in the garden, to learn the different pruning methods for different types of rose plants. If you have a preferred pruning tool (e.g. secateurs), please bring them, although we do have some spares.

Hot drinks, tools and the gazebo shelter will be provided, but as always, please dress for the unpredictable weather. 

Please let us know if you fancy attending.


p.s: Can anyone who has Clare's bath bomb moulds from the session in December please bring them back to this session, thanks!

Helo pawb,

Bydd ein sesiwn nesaf ar ddydd Mawrth 6ed Chwefror, yn archwilio rhosod mewn llysieuaeth gyda Clare Lewis. Byddwn yn edrych ar sut mae rhosod wedi cael eu defnyddio ar hyd yr oesoedd, a sut y gallwn wneud rhai diodydd ohonynt.

Byddwn hefyd yn gwneud rhywfaint o docio rhosod yn yr ardd, i ddysgu'r gwahanol ddulliau tocio ar gyfer gwahanol fathau o blanhigion rhosod. Os oes gennych hoff declyn tocio (e.e. secateurs), dewch â nhw, er bod gennym rai darnau sbâr. 

Darperir diodydd poeth, offer a lloches gasebo, ond fel bob amser, gwisgwch ar gyfer y tywydd anrhagweladwy.

Rhowch wybod i ni os ydych awydd mynychu.


A all unrhyw un sydd â mowldiau bom bath Clare o'r sesiwn ym mis Rhagfyr ddod â nhw yn ôl i'r sesiwn hon, diolch!